Ansible Fundamentals (ITG-402)


Who should attend

This training is for Application Developers, IT Consultants and System Engineers that would like to explore the ease and power of Ansible.

For this course basic knowledge of the Linux Operating System is required.

Course Content

Configuration management is what helps you keep your IT environment in control. There are many solutions on the market but Ansible keeps it sleek and simple. It’s agent-less, simple and elegant design and it’s shallow learning curve make it a perfect choice for picking up Automated Configuration Management in your IT park.

In this 1-day introduction course you’ll learn the basic essentials of Ansible. You will have an overview of the components of the Ansible architecture, deploy Ansible on your systems and write playbooks to automate common IT tasks.

You’ll get a good picture of the position of Ansible among the other configuration tools and experience first hand how easy it is to use Ansible for your automation tasks.

In labs you will learn hands on how to use Ansible.

Prijs & Delivery methods

Online training

1 dag

  • 495,– €
Klassikale training

1 dag

  • Nederland: 495,– €

Op dit moment is deze training niet beschikbaar in het open rooster. De kans is echter groot dat wij u toch een passende oplossing kunnen bieden. Wij horen graag wat uw specifieke wensen zijn. U bereikt ons via 030 658 2131 of We helpen u graag!